MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4001 elixir --detached -S mix phoenix.server
附上目前版本的=elixir –help=
% elixir --help Usage: elixir [options] [.exs file] [data] -v Prints version and exits -e COMMAND Evaluates the given command (*) -r FILE Requires the given files/patterns (*) -S SCRIPT Finds and executes the given script in PATH -pr FILE Requires the given files/patterns in parallel (*) -pa PATH Prepends the given path to Erlang code path (*) -pz PATH Appends the given path to Erlang code path (*) --app APP Starts the given app and its dependencies (*) --cookie COOKIE Sets a cookie for this distributed node --detached Starts the Erlang VM detached from console --erl SWITCHES Switches to be passed down to Erlang (*) --hidden Makes a hidden node --logger-otp-reports BOOL Enables or disables OTP reporting --logger-sasl-reports BOOL Enables or disables SASL reporting --name NAME Makes and assigns a name to the distributed node --no-halt Does not halt the Erlang VM after execution --sname NAME Makes and assigns a short name to the distributed node --werl Uses Erlang's Windows shell GUI (Windows only) ** Options marked with (*) can be given more than once ** Options given after the .exs file or -- are passed down to the executed code ** Options can be passed to the Erlang runtime using ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS or --erl